Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Videos and Series at Your Fingertips


In the digital age, video tutorials are the go-to instructional method. These brief videos are typically two to 10 minutes long and can often leverage multiple instructional methods. Moreover, people can easily capture, share, and save live streaming video. This can bring some order to an otherwise chaotic media landscape.

Video also has an advantage over textbooks, since children respond differently to visual information. For example, a student may respond differently to seeing a spider's body tense up before jumping, or a tadpole morph into a frog when watching a video.

A video can be as informative as a book and, unlike books, it's not limited to the pages. There are many different ways to create a video, and each can be geared toward a specific audience. Here are a few tips to help you make a great video.

Creating instructional videos is a great way to educate and share knowledge. In fact, nearly eighty percent of consumers prefer watching a video to reading a manual. In addition, more than half of online shoppers use videos when making purchases. Furthermore, research shows that watching videos can help two-thirds of employees complete tasks better and absorb information more rapidly. Videos are also a great way to share and capture live events. With the rise of live video streaming, you can now share, save and capture videos with ease. In an increasingly chaotic media landscape, video can bring order.


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