Friday, November 5, 2021

Freesound, Saves You Lots of Money - Online, You Can Find It For Free


A Sound Crate is an awesome new product to help with training your dog to go to the bathroom outside. I have a puppy and she loves to go outside and defecate. It is quite a scene to see my dogs waste all day long, but now she only has to use the crate for a couple of hours at night. What a relief! I am sure that this will help her behavior in the house.

Sounds Crate is a great product for training your pet. You can find lots of reviews and testimonials at the website of the company. There are several free gifts that you can also get when you order this product. The best part is that the company provides free shipping both ways. So even if you live a distance, or you cannot bring your puppy down for the weekend, you can still get this product, which is absolutely fantastic for crate training.

The Sounds Crate is a portable electronic sound effects recorder that will record up to 200 unique sounds. All of these sound effects can be used as training aides in your home. Once you download free sound effects from the website, you can play them back for your pet to experience.

My puppy likes to go outside and defecate, so I decided to get a Sounds Crate to help keep her in one spot all day. Now, the crate is connected to a pad, so she can stay in one spot, and I can record the entire session. With her help, I can also play the Sounds Crate commercial for her to help reinforce good potty habits. Now, she has learned that the sound of the zipper going across the front of the box makes her pee, and the sound of the closing door makes her stop.

To make it more fun, we recently got the Sounds Crate for a birthday gift. We found the Freesound site through Google, and she loves it. I found some old commercial from the nineteen eighties by unknown companies. I couldn't remember the name, but it was part of a series of videos by the same company, and I remembered seeing this particular video several times on YouTube. The one we got was part of a series called "99 Sounds of Stuff," which I have seen many times, and they are hilarious.

After my wife downloaded the freesound program, we loaded the Sounds Crate, and immediately began searching for the best places to put the crate on tables and other flat surfaces. If we don't find good sounding recordings, we can just record our own. So far, we have recorded our dogs barking, me speaking in a foreign accent, a cat purring, and my foot hitting the floor. These sound effects will help us when we go to the store and can't decide what kind of table to place the sounds crate on.


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